Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2023)
Category: Neurosciences.
The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These two-year, $75,000 fellowships are awarded yearly to early career researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.
Kavli Innovation Grant (2022)
Computational microscopy for high-speed voltage imaging.
The Kavli Innovation Award supports teams of scientists developing and utilizing new neuroscientific methods that rely on photonic technologies.
UNC Neurospark Award (2022)
Tracking Arousal Responses with a BOP (Biometric Ocular Photometer).
The UNC Neurospark award is a competitive seed grant designed to encourage new collaboration and prepare submissions for traditional funding mechanisms
Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (2021)
Sculpted Light in the Brain Confernce, Third Edition, Boston, MA.
The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain Conference Award supports the organization of Sculpted Light in the Brain, a conference on optical neurotechnologies that gathers scientists at the intersection between optics and neurosciences.
Beckman Young Investigator (2021)
Bidirectional Neuroprosthetics with Miniature Optical Brain Machine Interfaces.
The Beckman Young Investigator program provides research support to promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers, for the invention of methods, instruments, and materials that will open up new avenues of research in the chemical and life sciences.
Career Award at the Scientific Interface (2018)
Computational optical interfaces for neurosciences and systems biology .
The Career Award at the Scientific Interface is a transitional funding mechanism that provides funding for one year of postdoc, and the first few years of a faculty position.
Special Grant from Intel Inc. (2020)
A special grant from Intel was issued to support the final year of doctoral research for Praneeth Chakravarthula, a Ph.D Student in Computer Sciences.
NVIDIA Inc. GPU Program (2020)
The NVIDIA scientific computing grant program provides GPU equipment to several research groups. Our lab applied and received one of them.
Carnot Foundation Fellowship (2009)
The Carnot Fellowship supports alumni from École Polytechnique who intend to pursue doctoral studies in the United States.